Iqra Awais – The Success Story of A Mompreneur

Hi, Introduce Yourself:

My name is Iqra Awais. I am a content writer and working in this field from past 7 years. Currently have my own writing agency with the name of “‘iQwrites”. We provide writing and SEO services to national and international clients. In 2022, I was awarded as Best Freelancer of the year by Youth Parliament and also awarded with Heroes award by Connected Women Pakistan 2022. Also get award by state youth as “icon of the year 2022”

Write an Overview of Your Company:

I am CEO of iQwrites. Our company provide writing services to national and international clients.

The Success Story:

I get married at the age of 20. At that time, I feel my life stopped and how could I make it possible to make my dreams come true. In 2013, I met a person from family who was earning in dollars from freelancing. I start asking him about this field and surprised to know that you can earn online from home.

In 2014, I started my first blog i.e. Tech “”. I posted tech news, games and other IT related things. In one year I ranked it but later on I sell it for approximately $500. Later on I feel the need of learning more and more. I join many online and offline content writing courses. At the end of 2014, I decided to have content writing as my profession. I work on different international projects, hired as featured writer for different brands. Meanwhile, I don’t stop my learning procedure.

From 2014 till now in 2023, I am providing my services of content writing. I write on more than 300 niche’s include commercial, informative and APK based. I am still in the phase of learning as I think learning don’t stop. Recently I started my own writing agency name “iQwrites”. I have a team of 15 amazing writers from all over Pakistan. I trained them and now they are providing top notch content for different clients at national and international level.

My aim is to provide awareness to women of our country that you can also earn without going out. I am also teaching noobs about content writing skills and how they can earn from this skill. Its too hard to manage home and professional life but obvious not impossible.

Anything You Want to Share with KarDikhao Audience?

I just want to share that its tough to handle personal and professional life, but not impossible. You can do wonders, just believe in yourself.

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Iqra Awais – The Success Story of A Mompreneur