“Education is the first step for people to gain the knowledge, critical thinking, empowerment, and skills they need to make this world a better place”
– Nelson Mandela
Update: She’s now earning $5k+ per month.
Every single being on earth is performing its duties as a family member, as a part of a certain organization, and so many other roles to be justified in one lifetime. Among all these roles, educating yourself is the leading role to become a part of a worthy community in the modern era. A nation without education is a huge mob. Luckily I was born in an educated family who wished to give me the best education of the time and wanted me to achieve all the academic goals thrown in my court. As a student, I was one of the outstanding pupils, always being appreciated for my hard work and passion. Still, I wanted to achieve something bigger, something innovative that was not a norm.
It was never easy to adapt to a path different from cultural practice. As in our society, all-around people want to get their children an O-level or A-levels. Same like that, my parents were also wanted me to achieve all As in each grade until they are being cheered by so many around as proud parents of a highly educated child. But my mindset differed from the set paths. I wanted to make my name based on my hard work, passion, and success achieved by innovative work.
As W.Bruce Cameron said, “Failure is not an option if success is just a matter of trying harder” It’s natural for all human beings to dream big even after getting a reasonable position in life. The same is the case with me; I was a renowned student of my class and this ignited a spark in my mind to hit a ball in the air and try something new, something I would earn rather than getting only class positions. The dreams went wild and grew with age. I was pursuing higher education; the degree of M.Phil. Physics, when an ignition sparked that was my hidden passion, writing. How to write, what to write that could be effective, readable, impressive, and paying something too, of course.
We gain the education to become civilized, we do jobs, join firms and industries, become employees, to learn, to earn, to make a healthy living, to pass a regularly scheduled life, and to get bread and butter of life. I was also a bromide of the society, running every day with hopes and wishes to win my goal one day but…there was a continuous conscience pushing me towards a different version of achievement, to become a sulfide rather than a bromide.
With a strong educational background and new emerging technologies worldwide, I got something different, something never heard of……an unknown world where you cannot see, present body language or let others depict your facial impressions to get through your mind. I was habitual to explore different versions of every aspect and during this exploration, I found this version called content writing.
I joined Content Marketing and Advertising Program, a program supported by the Government of Pakistan (E-Rozgaar, PITB). There were many other fields to join under the same program but due to limitations of timing, I could not dare to join any other field. My sub-consciousness was giving a vote to content writing so I joined it passionately. I got a platform to learn something vital. I was least supported by anyone initially, even my family was against my decision to divide my time between formal education and new learning education. I joined it taking a firm stand to make myself independent not only in the choice of profession but also in the implementation of basis to fulfill my dreams.
Everyone in the family wanted me to focus on my studies but my mentor, my well-wisher sir Inaam ul Haq Mansoor, gave me the road map towards a successful life. All credit goes to him, he was my sole encouragement to pursue a different world to earn name, fame, and money. My parents always tried their best to provide red carpet in all of my journeys; with the strong encouragement of my father, I got succeeded in my mission.
Success is not achieved in a single day. At times it takes a whole life to be the one who got all dreams true and sometimes it takes a moment to reach the last step of the ladder. Success is a combination of your mindset, your unique talents, your God-gifted skills, and your abilities to fight with your situations. I tried to work as hard as possible along with my formal education. I devoted my full energy to learn the technical knowledge of content writing and on the 28th day of training I got my first order from an Australian client and it was all won. I was a hostelloid student and just had enough pocket-money to carry on my day to day expenses. I didn’t have enough to open an account of myself to receive my first earning. I borrowed Rs.1000 from a friend and opened my first ever account to receive my earning. It was like a dream come true. I got the inspiration to move further until a time came in just 1.5 years that I was able to earn US dollars 7000 per annum.
I never felt proud to be a fast learner and achiever rather I want to encourage all youngsters and newcomers to explore this world of technology and give a trial to your talents and qualities. Everyone has some unique talent and once polished it can be a source of contentment as well as income. I enjoy my work as I am my own boss. I have to keep my work flawless not to make my boss happy rather to maintain my dignity and my worth in this world. I am not answerable to any one person or head of the organization rather I am accountable for my own schedule and punctuality.
In acknowledgment of my passion, dedication, and quality of the content, a US-based company hired my skills and gave me the recognition of an expert writer. I never compromised on the quality and worth of my work keeping in mind the golden rule, first deserve then desire. I was bestowed with equal reward in the name of trust, confidence, and recognition. I made my own company after 1.5 years of work and now I have a dedicated team of experts working in collaboration, establishing renowned talented personnel and giving them the self-confidence to be an independent citizen who can contribute his/her skills and knowledge for the betterment of a community. I have been training several candidates (approximately 150) free of cost just to encourage them on this road to success. How much diverse our lives would be, we are inter-dependent on each other and there is something to learn from everyone.
We don’t need a special skill to teach and guide but compassion which gives us unconditional love for those who have a learning attitude and thirst for knowledge. At least we can channel that compassion to others who may explore other dimensions of knowledge and skills. I have always celebrated my little achievements and successes to acknowledge that how far I have come since it is quite motivating to take a look back on the long way from where you started your journey from ashes and reached a milestone.
I would like to encourage all newcomers, the beginners to come passionately, join this freelancing world, explore different fields, choose your goal according to your talent, polish your skills, be honest with yourself to maintain your dignity and worth, and last but not the least, try to pass an independent and healthy lifestyle by using all the layers of your brain in full to pursue the path of success.
3 responses to “Fiza Tahir – My Journey Towards Success (Earning $7,000+ Per Annum in 1.5 Years)”
Very nice