18 Year Old – Pakistan’s Youngest Digital Marketer

Here’s the long-awaited interview of our youngest Pakistani Digital Marketer (self-claimed) “Mian Asif Aly” who has over 4 years of experience running his SEO agency.

You can learn more about him here in his own words:

Hi, Introduce Yourself:

I am Mian Asif Aly – Youngest Digital Marketer of Pakistan.

I have 4 years experience in the Digital Marketing field and specifically in SEO. I am also the CEO of INISols (USA Based SEO Agency). I started my career when I was 14 years old in 9th class when the corona pandemic happened.

That was a great opportunity for me to jump into the Digital World.

Now, I am running my own successful SEO Agency and Products (SAAS Based, Affiliate) and one of my favorite Guest Posting Products.

Tell us something about your Company.

INISols – A SEO Agency that helps business owners to grow their businesses organically. We are helping ecommerce, local businesses to boost their revenue with the help of SEO.

#2 Guest Posting (My Favorite One) – Guest Posting is the quickest way to earn money but it never goes on Bigger Level – So, it’s not that popular.

But this product has the capacity of generating $1000-$5000/month after 1 year of starting.

Why You Created An SEO Agency?

Let’s talk from the beginning.

When someone talk about going to Digital World or want to learn new skill – The skills comes to their mind is Graphic Designing, Web Development, and Amazon not the SEO or Blogging Because we don’t have enough awareness in the people about SEO and people don’t know about the capacity of SEO.

SEO is one of the top skills that allow you to generate income at home. The thing that makes SEO different from other fields is that you don’t need clients to earn money. You can just make your own website, work on it and earn money with the minimum investment.

So, the main reason behind making INISols is to make people aware about the SEO field and how they can use it to double their revenue. Yes, the money factor is also involved. INISols has already helped many clients to jump from $0 revenue to 6 figure revenue per month organically. As organic is the best way for ecommerce stores, businesses as it generates quality leads.

In the future, we will launch a SEO Institute that will be totally focused on SEO and only practical knowledge to earn money rather than theoretical.

Anything You Want to Share with Our Audience?

– وَمَا لَكُم مِّن دُونِ ٱللَّهِ مِن وَلِيّٖ وَلَا نَصِيرٍ

.اور الله کے سوا تمہارا کوئی دوست اور مددگار نہیں

So this was the story of 18 years old Digital Marketer from Pakistan who is Pakistan’s Youngest Digital marketer running an SEO agency from his homeland.

You can contact him via his official channels written below:

Your website URL:

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18 Year Old - Pakistan's Youngest Digital Marketer